St. John’s Lutheran Church has set up an account through Lutheran Church Extension Fund’s Joyful Response program with Vanco, a company specializing in secure electronic donations to churches and other nonprofits.
Use the form below to give securely via your bank account to St. John’s Lutheran Church. You can make a one-time offering or set up recurring offerings. A record of all giving goes to the Financial Secretary for tax receipts.
If you plan on giving more than one time, click on the <sign in/ sign up> button in the upper right corner of the form to begin.
If you would like to use credit card or debit card instead of a bank account, please talk to Pastor Whittle or William Kautsch so that option can be set up with the company.
You can also download the GivePlus Mobile application for your smartphone. Search for churches in 65053, and you will find St. John’s Lutheran Church, which you can then choose as the recipient and continue essentially as you would here.
Please talk to Pastor Whittle or William Kautsch if you have any other questions.